What happens when the stars align as to what concerns the industrial real estate and the dynamic field of logistics centers? It’s easy to answer: you get speakers like Andrei Marian, Business Development Manager at Speedwell, Lucian Opris, Director Tenant Services – Office 360 & Industrial at Colliers International, Dan Fotescu, Director of Logistics at Auchan Retail, Adrian Grancea, COO at Highberg Solution, Mihai Diaconescu, Asset and Development Management Director at Logicor Romania, and Alexander Pavlov, Managing Director FM Logistic Romania all gathered round in the third panel of the first event of the year dedicated to Online and Offline Retailers, Couriers, and Transport & Logistics players. Having such a line-up in place, means therefore that a lot of questions get answered, from the current destiny of the old industrial parks to the niche of delivering office spaces for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and, of course, the role of the already inevitable artificial intelligence in all of the above.
The debate was opened by the panel moderator Daniel Cautis, Managing Partner at Dunwell Industrial Brokerage, who said that in the last six years the stock has doubled from over 4 million sq. ft of class A industrial spaces across the country to recently 8 million sq. ft which, he added, is a tremendous growth.
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